Viewing APs and AP Groups Assigned to a Venue

You can view details of the APs and AP groups that are associated with a specific venue.

Complete the following steps to view details about APs and AP groups.
  1. On the navigation bar, click Venues.
    The Venues page is displayed.
  2. Click a specific Venue name, then click the Devices tab. Alternatively, in the table row for the specific venue name, click the number displayed in the Wi-Fi APs column.
    By default, the Wi-Fi page is displayed. The Wi-Fi tab has three sub-tabs depicted with icons: Device List, Report View, and AP Group List. By default, the Device List sub-tab is displayed.
    Devices: Wi-Fi
    Regardless of the sub-tab being viewed, the Wi-Fi tab displays a warning banner if there are any AP and Wi-Fi feature incompatibilities in this network.
  3. If a compatibility warning banner appears, click See details for more information.

    The Incompatibility Details sidebar displays information such as the name of the feature (or features) for which incompatibility exists between the AP and the venue configuration, the number of incompatible APs, and the minimum required AP firmware version for the listed feature.

    In the Incompatible APs column, pause the pointer on the AP count number to view the list of individual incompatible APs. In the Min. Required Versions column, pause the pointer on the firmware version to view the AP model families (denoted by their applicable IEEE 802.11 standard) that support the specific Wi-Fi feature. Select the check box of a specific feature, the Update Version Now and Schedule version update options appear only if there is a new AP firmware available for the AP model supporting the selected feature. You can update the AP firmware version by choosing the Update Version Now option or schedule a firmware update at a later time by choosing the Schedule version update option.

    Incompatibility Details Sidebar
    Note: If you disable or enable one of the features that depends on AP compatibility, then RUCKUS One automatically checks AP compatibility as part of the venue or network configuration update. Click the icon in the upper-right corner of the UI header, then click the related network or venue settings activity to view the Activity Details. Here you can do the following:
    • View the status of the resulting AP compatibility check.
    • Click See incompatible report to view a list of the incompatible APs.
  4. To view the incompatible report, from the right upper corner of the dashboard, click Activities. From the activities list, click on events related to network activities. Click See incompatible report to view the incompatible APs.
  5. You can view each AP that is assigned to the venue using one of the following methods:
    • From the Devices List sub-tab.

      By default, the Device List page is displayed. The Device List sub-tab displays the following information about each AP that is assigned to the venue:

      • AP Name: Displays the name of the AP. To view more information about the AP, click the AP name.
      • Status: Displays the status of the AP. For example, if the AP is powered on and is providing wireless service to clients, a green check mark appears next to the word Operational.
      • Model: Displays the model number of the AP
      • IP Address: Displays the IP address of the AP
      • MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the AP
      • Venue: Displays the name of the venue
      • Switch: Displays the name of the switch
      • Mesh Role: Displays the role of the AP within the Mesh network
      • Clients: Displays the number of clients currently associated with the AP. To view more information about the associated clients, click the client count number.
      • AP Group: Displays the name of the AP Group
      • RF Channel: Displays the RF 2.4 GHz channel, 5 GHz channel, and 6 GHz channel.
      • Up Time: Displays
      • Tags: Displays the tags associated with the AP
      • Serial Number: Displays the AP serial number
      • Version: Displays the AP version number
      • PoE Port: Displays the Port speed
      • Secure Boot: Displays whether the AP is secure boot enabled or disabled. If enabled, a check mark is displayed, else appears blank.
      • Management VLAN: Displays the AP management VLAN ID
      • AFC Status: Displays the AFC status (Passed or failed).
      • AFC Power State: Displays the AFC power state (Standard or Low).
      • Feature Compatibility: Displays the AP compatibility with Wi-Fi features in this venue (Partially incompatible, Fully compatible, or Unknown). You can click Partially incompatible to view the incompatibility details such as the AP model, the current AP firmware version, the name of the features for which incompatibility exists between the AP and the venue configuration, and the minimum required AP firmware version for the listed features.

      You can search the results using the Search field. Enter the partial or complete MAC Address, IP Address, Serial Number, Model, Tags, or AP name in the Search field. Any matching APs are displayed. You can also add Tags to the AP that can be used in global search.

      You can filter the results using the Status, AP Group, Feature Compatibility, or Group By field as follows:
      • Status: You can filter the result with Required Attention, Transient Issue, In Setup Phase, Offline, or Operational.
      • AP Group: You can filter the result with AP groups.
      • Feature Compatibility: You can filter the results by selecting a feature name.
      • Group By: You can filter the result with Status, Model, or AP Group.
    • From the Report View sub-tab.

      The Report View sub-tab displays the following information about each AP that is assigned to the venue:

      • Total APs: Displays the total AP count in the venue.
      • APs Online: Displays the total online AP count in the venue.
      • APs Offline: Displays the total offline AP count in the venue.
      • Top APs by Offline Duration: Displays the graph of top offline APs by offline duration in the venue.
      • APs by Offline Duration: Displays the graph of offline APs by offline duration in the venue.
      • AP Count Trend: Displays the number of APs deployed over time.
      • AP Status: Displays the status of the AP.
      • AP Status Trend: Displays the status trend of the AP.
      • Top AP Models: Displays the graph of top AP models.
      • Top AP Models Over Time: Displays the graph of top AP models over time.
      • Top AP Software Versions: Displays the graph of top AP software versions.
      • Top AP Software Versions Over Time: Displays the graph of top AP software versions over time.
      • Top AP Reboot Reasons: Displays the list of top AP reboot reasons.
      • Top AP Reboot Reasons Over Time: Displays the list of top AP reboot reasons overtime.
      • Top APs by Reboot Count: Displays the number of top individual APs in a network have been rebooted.
      • Top APs by Reboot Count Over Time: Displays the number of top individual APs in a network have been rebooted over time.
      • AP Details for Online/Offline Status: Displays the APs details in the venue in a table format such as AP Name, AP MAC Address, AP Internal IP Address, AP Location, AP Model, and AP Connection Status (online or offline).
    • From the Mesh sub-tab.

      Click the Mesh icon. The Mesh topology table displays all the APs that are part of a Mesh topology. APs that are in venues that are not set to support Mesh are not listed. There is an expand button next to the names of the root APs.

      Mesh Topology

      Click the expand button to list the Mesh APs that are connected to the root AP. Click the expand button for each Mesh AP to view the properties of the AP.

      Note: If a venue is not set to support Mesh, the Wi-Fi details page that is displayed when you click the Devices tab will not show the Mesh option. If you have defined the venue as Mesh but have not added any APs, you will still find the Mesh option. However, when you click, you are prompted with the message that no Mesh APs are added.
  6. In the Wi-Fi sub-tab, you can view information about each AP group that is assigned to the venue by clicking the AP Group List sub-tab.
    Viewing the AP Group List
    The AP Group List page displays the following information:
    • AP Group: Displays the name of the AP group. To view more information about the AP group, click the AP group name.
    • Members: Indicates the number of members in the AP group. Hover your cursor over the number to display a list of the member AP names. Click on the number to access details on the APs page for the specified AP Group.
    • Networks: Indicates the number of networks with which the AP group is associated. Hover your cursor over the number to display a list of the network names. Click on the number to access details on the Networks page for the specified AP Group.
    • Incidents: Indicates the number of incidents that have occurred in the AP group during the specified time period. Click on the number to access details on the Incidents page for the specified AP Group.
    • Clients: Displays the number of clients currently associated with the AP group.

    You can search the results using the Search field. Enter the partial or full AP group name in the Search field. Any matching AP groups are displayed.

  7. (Optional) Click Add AP to add an AP to the venue. For more information on adding an AP, refer to Adding an AP.
  8. (Optional) Click Add AP Group to add an AP group. For more information on adding a group, Adding an AP Group.
  9. (Optional) Click Import APs to import APs. For more information on adding APs in bulk, refer to Adding APs in Bulk.
  10. (Optional) Select an AP group and click Edit to edit the AP group.
  11. (Optional) Select an AP group and click Delete to delete the AP group.